Collateral Consequences

What are Collateral Consequences?

Collateral Consequences are the things that happen to people convicted of crime other than having a criminal record and the sentence that they serve.  Pennsylvanians face hundreds of collateral consequences of criminal convictions, but there are things that they can do, with the help of civil legal aid attorneys, to undo collateral consequences.  And there are things that Public Defenders can do to make sure their clients understand the collateral consequences of a plea deal or guilty verdict and to minimize the impact of those consequences on their clients lives.  The materials linked to this page will help you understand those consequences and help you do better by your clients.
Across the early part of 2022, PDAP put on a Collateral Consequences Training series, in partnership with Legal Aid of Southeastern PA (LASP).  The training materials from that series are linked here above, by topic.  You’ll find both written materials and the videos from those online trainings. On this page you will find general information on collateral consequences and how to contact your local civil legal aid lawyers to consult with them (or refer clients).  Their help, like yours, is free. 

Collateral Consequences Training Materials

Sheller Center Collateral Consequences Handbook (2020-12)

Sheller Center Collateral Consequences Handbook (Abridged, 2020-12)

Sheller Center Collateral Consequences Handbook (Disclaimer, 2020-12)

How Do I Find My Nearest Civil Legal Aid Provider?


ELC Educational Aftercare & Reintegration Toolkit for Juvenile Justice Professionals (2009-06)

ELC’s Supporting Graduation & Equal Access for Students Experiencing Homelessness, in Foster Care or in the Juvenile Justice System Fact Sheet (2022-05)

Advancing the Rights of Students - Practice Tips for PDs

ELC's Other Resources on Educational Rights (2022)


Legal Remedies and Limitations: Employment of People with Criminal Records in Pennsylvania (2019-02)

Legal Rights of People with Criminal Records- Employment (2017-10)

CLS Presentation-Criminal Records- Collateral Consequences for Employment (2022-05-03)


Collateral Consequences - Housing


Collateral Consequences - Immigration (720p)

Collateral Consequences - Immigration (2022-04)

Collateral Consequences - Immigration (2022-05)

Parental Rights

Collateral Consequences - Parental Rights

Collateral Consequences - Parental Rights (2022-07-11)

Public Benefits

Collateral Consequences - Public Benefits

PA 1665 3-13 Criminal History Inquiry form

Impact of Incarceration and Criminal Records on Social Security Benefits

Public Benefits Consequences of Criminal Records (2022-06-07)

Guns & Driving

Driver’s Collateral Consequences from Criminal Convictions (2022-06-07)

Impact of Convictions on Gun Licensing in Pennsylvania

Record Clearing

Collateral Consequences - Record Clearing (2022)

Trainings & Resources