Danny Gray


2024 Emerging Leader

Gray, Danny

I am Danny Grace Gray, Senior Assistant Public Defender with Cumberland County. I began my legal career with the Cumberland County Public Defender Office the summer following my 1L year at Penn State Dickinson Law. During my time at the PD office, I have represented clients from preliminary hearings through post-conviction. I have also represented domestic relations clients with both contempt and indirect criminal contempt charges.

I entered law school at age forty-seven following an eighteen-year career as an elementary and middle school teacher. I went to law school to become a public defender and I have never looked back. At Dickinson Law, I focused my studies in the areas of constitutional law earning a Certificate in Civil Rights, Equal Protection and Social Justice.

In my two years as an attorney, I have attempted to look beyond the current legal challenges impacting my clients to locate what is at the heart of their circumstances. I find in education where the goal is for students to gain knowledge and become successful members of society, often other needs and challenges must be addressed first for the educational goal to be attained. Similarly, with legal matters, often addressing other needs and challenges in a client’s life leads to a better legal outcome and may prevent additional legal issues.